Its Exam Time at Brickfield

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Its Exam Time at Brickfield

May 2, 2017

Dear Friends,
Brick Field School (BFS) project is for the children of migrant Brick Field (BF) workers who mostly comes from Bihar, Jharkhand, Chhattisgarh, Orissa and few of the workers are also from the West Bengal. The migrant workers spend 7-8 months every year working in the brick kilns of Bengal.

During their stay in West Bengal the children of these migrant families are detached from formal education and get involved in brick making process. The brick field school is an attempt to continue the education of these children. The project started in the year 2008 with 20 BFS in 3 districts of West Bengal. The project with time has expanded and is continuously spreading education and awareness among 3254 migrant children through 60 brick field schools
Annual examination for the Brickfield children at Basirhat, Akra, Pujali,Tona, Tarakeshwar were conducted to assess children’s learning.Brickifield children belonging to Group B and C appeared for the annual examination . Report cards will be distributed amongst the children. Parents through these report cards will be able to children’s progress and achievements

The exams conducted covered Maths, Hindi, Bengali Language, Drawing, General Knowledge, extracirrucular activities, personal hygiene,discipline,Reading, Writing, and Speaking.

Exams were enjoyable, interesting and motivating, and are giving the Brickfield children the opportunity to show what they can achieve .Children were very excited to appear for the exams.

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Kolkata - 700015 West Bengal,

033 2329 0229

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