Embracing the Spirit of Durga Puja: A Message of Hope

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Embracing the Spirit of Durga Puja: A Message of Hope

October 21, 2023

In West Bengal, Durga Puja is not merely a festival; it’s a celebration of unity, hope, and the triumph of good over evil. The Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre (KMWSC) extends its warmest greetings to all who join in this joyous occasion.

Durga Puja unites us all, from children to mothers, recipients to funding organisations, supporters to friends, family to volunteers, and our dedicated staff. It is a time when we come together, transcending boundaries, to revel in the spirit of togetherness.

As we light the lamps and offer our prayers, let us not forget the profound message this festival carries. Durga Puja teaches us to be brave and strong in the face of injustice and evil. It reminds us that even in the darkest of times, there is a glimmer of light.

Our collective prayer is that this celebration would transform us, infusing our hearts with goodness and courage. We strive to carry the spirit of Maa Durga, the Goddess of power, within us, as we stand up against injustice and work towards a more just society.

In these trying times, it is essential to remember that goodness prevails, and the truth shall always shine through. Let us take inspiration from Durga Puja to grow into decent, compassionate individuals, and to spread joy and happiness to everyone around us.

As the beats of the “Dhak” fill the air, let it remind us of the power of unity and love. Durga Puja is not just a festival; it is a testament to our collective strength and the enduring spirit of humanity.

May this Durga Puja infuse your lives with hope, courage, and an unwavering commitment to making the world a better place. Embrace the spirit of Durga Puja, and together, let us stand strong against the forces of injustice and evil.

In unity, we find strength. Happy Durga Puja!

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