Awaring Kokila Mallik on the importance of Legal Entitlement

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Awaring Kokila Mallik on the importance of Legal Entitlement

Kokila Mallik is a 32-year-old woman. Her husband’s name was (Late) Dhibar Mallik. Her only son named Bidhan Mallik is 12-year-old. With the help of the teachers he got admitted in class III at Patharpratima Adivasi FP School. This two member Scheduled Tribe family with hardly 2000/- as a monthly income belonged to the Lodha Community. The main occupation is catching crabs in the river.
Due to lack of funds, her husband couldn’t get treatment. The economic downturn of the family worsened as the result of the lockdown. They were not helped by the neighbours or society even in times of danger and need. The duo had no legal documents like the Voter ID or Aadhar Card. In fact, they had no idea regarding the importance and necessity of these documents.
Once, an Awareness Camp held on the Rights to Legal Entitlements at the Lodha Community Project, Kakila expressed her dismay at not getting any opportunity or receiving any endowments from the Government. Despite informing the Panchayat more than once, there was no solution to the problems. As time passed by, she felt that saving was the most important step.
Society views her family differently for being a part of the Lodha Community. With anguish, it has been observed that even today, in the civilized world, the uncivilized people of the so-called ‘civilized civilization’ still maintain the same distance with indigenous communities. She finally received her Aadhar, PAN and Voter card from BDO office with the help of the teachers. It was a great challenge to procure the documents. This was a herculean task because, it was very difficult to get information as her family had no hereditary identity proof.
Kokila after receiving the document opened a saving account in bank. She also receives the house scheme of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana after opening the bank Account. She said, “My family did not have not have any legal documents. I will always be grateful to KMWSC for procuring my bank account and to get the Prime Minister’s house scheme.
Kokila after receiving the document opened a saving account in bank. She also receives the house scheme of Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana after opening the bank Account. She said, “My family did not have not have any legal documents. I will always be grateful to KMWSC for procuring my bank account and to get the Prime Minister’s house scheme.

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