Lets rise up and Dance on 14th February,2017 through One Billion Rising campaign

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Lets rise up and Dance on 14th February,2017 through One Billion Rising campaign

January 12, 2017

Lets rise up and Dance on 14th February,2017 through One Billion Rising campaign

A call to end Violence against Women: One Billion Rising (OBR) Campaign is a global call to action to stop violence against women and girls. It is about connecting all efforts across borders and boundaries to create a safer world for women and girls the call for One Billion Rising Campaign has been given by the well known feminist activist, playwright and actor Eve Ensler.

Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre, the social service wing of Loreto Schools, has been organizing One Billion Rising programme since 2015.The One Billion Rising (OBR) is a global campaign to end violence against women.This year the campaign is giving sharper focus and visibility to the exploitation of women and harnessing even stronger global solidarity to demand an end to violence in all forms.

KMWSC believes that its important to mobilize and rise in large numbers in order to get the message across people..With this objective in view a sensitization programme was organized at Scottish Church College.30 students along with Professors attended the programmeand were sensitized about One Billion Rising Campaign.This programme provided a open platform for the youth to discuss on violence against women issue and take individual as well as collective steps to stop gender discrimination and violence against women.

The programme ended with the note that through OBR programme on 14th February we will rise through dance to express joy and celebrate the fact that we have not been defeated by this violence. We will rise to show we are determined to create a new kind of consciousness –one where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable. Here are few glimpses of the programme.

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1 Convent Lane, Tangra,
Kolkata - 700015 West Bengal,

033 2329 0229


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