A Mass Awareness on Sanitary Napkin was conducted under Sanitary Pad Unit – MWIA in Siksha Niketan Vidyalaya School for girls, to sensitize the adolescent girls on Menstruation and Sanitary Pads. 83 girls participated in the programme. The session covered various aspects on Puberty, Menstrual cycle, proper use of sanitary pads, do’s and don’ts during menstruation and proper disposal of sanitary pads. Group discussion was conducted on the myths and social taboos in relation to menstruation. Posters were used for better explanation on the topic. After the session, group activity was also initiated among the girls through worksheets. The students discussed & solved the worksheets and gave their feedback. There was openness among the girls to discuss freely on the topic. At the end food packets and sanitary napkins were distributed among the participants. The students were quite happy and enjoyed the session They give a positive feedback on the session and look forward to have more sessions. Initially they were feeling bit shy but gradually they became very frank and shared their responses promptly and asked questions as well. Many of them followed myths and taboos such as considering oneself not pure; not touching of pickles, lemons or curd considering the food would get spoilt, etc. Many of them were suffering from PCOD but are shy to visit doctor. After the session they felt the urgency of visiting doctor and discuss on their issue.