The Consultation focused on "How to bring theory to practice" through specific intervention strategies to combat against trafficking at the community level. Former justice Nadera Patheriaya gave the key note address after the Director of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre Monica Suchiang welcome the participants. Sr. Monica said, “Our strategies have to be refined and redefined contextually and in time to challenge the perpetrators of the evil act of Trafficking.” The participants comprised of notable NGOs such as Caritos , World Vision of India, Justice Venture International and others. Justice Nadera Patheriaya said “Sensitization, irradiate poverty and effective implementation of POCSO”, will minimize trafficking. Dr. Joydev Majumder, Director of Joy Prokash Institute of Social Change and Mr. Mahesh Menon of National Institute of Juridical Science stressed on balance between theory and practice can be achieved through advocacy and strengthening of Village Level Child Protection Committee (VLCPC). The participants actively join in the discussions of the five key points and their pertaining issues.