Inauguration of KMWSCares - Food on wheel to supply free fresh hot meal to the COVID patients who are home quarantined. As the inauguration ceremony went on led by Fr. Patrick the rituals of giving and contributing started from each staff of KMWSC. Each staff contributed as a gesture of giving that brings in bounty. KMWSC thanks Fr. Patrick for leading us into prayer, Sr. Flora, Sr. Geraldine and Entally Community for joining the rituals of inauguration. It is rightly said at this hour of crisis- "Someone needs oxygen, Someone messages someone. Someone reads the message. Someone amplifies the message. Someone forwards a contact. Someone verifies the contact. Someone calls the contact. Someone answers. Someone collects the cylinders. Someone fills it up. Someone delivers. Someone is saved.All because of someone's will to help someone.So many someones have come forward to serve the humanity in these tough times. Be that someone who is restoring faith in humanity by just being someone." Come join KMWSCares to be someone in someone's life to save life. Your contributions will help someone in need. KMWSCares' humble initiative has been captured in the Telegraph. KMWSCares ভালো থেকো ! সুস্থ থেকো ! ready for action today