On 21st July 2024, three new Child Clubs were formed at Manmathanagar in Gosaba, Sundarban, under the Solar Enlighten and Community Empowerment Project. This initiative brought together 60 enthusiastic young minds, which includes 38 girls and 22 boys. Supported by Mary Ward International Australia, these child clubs aim to empower young members by providing a platform for community engagement, leadership development, and advocacy for children's rights. The formation of these clubs marks a significant step towards fostering community empowerment and supporting the holistic development of children in the region. The child clubs will focus on various educational and social activities, promoting awareness on critical issues and encouraging active participation from all members. This event highlights our commitment to nurturing the potential of every child and creating a supportive environment for their growth. We look forward to witnessing the positive impact these child clubs will have on the children and the broader community, contributing to a brighter, more empowered future for all.