Barefoot has conducted its second training for the month of January with 10 candidates from Tarakeshwar, Kalyani, Sonarpur and Narendrapur. Among them 3 were male and 7 of them were female. Training was conducted within the premises of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre. The training was felicitated by the Coordinator and Assistant Coordinator. Level-1 training was advocated to them which started with language Development. Different theoretical discussion was delivered to them regarding language Development. Practical training was started with phonetics and other areas of Language Development. They were introduced with vowel and consonant. The second day started with number development where the trainees were given lesson on real object and activities with number disc and number chart along with number names, sequence and position. On the third day training resumed with action rhymes of Hindi, English and Bengali and was followed by revision of previous day’s lesson. The participants were shown the technique of preparing teaching learning material. The concluding day started with theoretical discussion on Education which was the theme of the training. After the conclusion of theoretical discussion the technique of storytelling with dramatization and conversation with real object was oriented to them. Maintaining of lesson plan and preparation of conversation card, look and say card and other necessary items were shown to them. The training ended with Micro teaching and displaying of all the teaching learning material. Last but not the least certificates were distributed among all the candidates. The feedback of the training was outstanding, the teachers were much curious to know about each and every detail of the training. They were much excited to learn more about games and rhymes. One teacher from Sonarpur narrated that teaching for them will be much easier as the Barefoot training has enhanced their confidence level.