One day Awareness Camp on Child Rights and child protection session was conducted by resource person, Mr. Debasis Samanta Specialist in child rights. He discussed the rights and protection of the children. There were total 152 students of class IX. (Boys 72, Girls 80) for the camp. The entire program was chaired by Mr Joydeb Mandal Assistant Head Teacher of Rudranagar Debendra Vidyapith. In this camp, various issues related to child trafficking prevention of child marriage are discussed. In addition, the children were made aware of the use of the emergency toll free number 1098 in the camp. The school premises culminate in a joyful question and answer session with the children. Children have also made aware of child safety through questionnaires. At the completion stage, feedback was taken from students regarding the camp. Some of the students who attended the workshop said, “The awareness camp organized by KMWSC is the first time. We are happy to attend such workshop. Assistant Head Teacher said “As the awareness among the student’s increases, child marriage, women and child trafficking can be prevented even more. Your student community must come forward to prevent this."