In a heart-warming initiative, Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre recently organised an exposure visit to Science City for 130 mothers and children from the Red Light Project. On the 26th of November 2023, 50 mothers and 80 children embarked on a journey that took them away from the narrow lanes of the red-light area to a place filled with wonder and excitement. The day unfolded with smiles and laughter as the group explored the fascinating exhibits at Science City. For many, this experience marked a welcome break from the challenges of their daily lives. The interactive displays and engaging activities provided not just entertainment but also valuable learning opportunities for both mothers and children. The 50 mothers, who often find solace in the camaraderie of their community, had the chance to connect with each other in a different setting. It was a day of bonding, sharing stories, and creating memories that went beyond the confines of their usual environment. The Science City visit served as a reminder of the importance of community support and the strength that comes from unity. Meanwhile, the 80 children, wide-eyed and curious, immersed themselves in the world of science. From interactive experiments to awe-inspiring demonstrations, every corner of Science City became a source of wonder for these young minds. The day was not just about fun; it was about expanding horizons and igniting a passion for learning. As the sun set on this extraordinary day, the echoes of joy and newfound knowledge lingered. The exposure visit to Science City was more than just a recreational outing; it was a transformative experience for the mothers and children of the Red Light Project. It highlighted the power of collective efforts in providing moments of joy, education, and inspiration to those who need it the most. In the spirit of community and compassion, our Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre remains committed to creating such impactful initiatives, fostering positive change, one experience at a time.