Rahamatullah Mollah a resident of Kalikapur village 35 km away from Lakshikantapur block   of south 24 parganas has fulfilled his dream by constructing a primary school at his own village. But he proudly says it would not have been possible without the barefoot teachers training of KMWSC. After completing his Graduation his determination and will power led him to know about the Barefoot Teachers Training. It was always at the back of his mind to receive quality training so that he could have enhanced his skill and acquires knowledge about child centric and activity based methodology.  He availed the training and set up his goal. But the main constrain for him was the capital.  He decided to sell some off his ancestral property school. But he could not afford to construct   a permanent structure. He could only able to construct a mud house with asbestos roof. But his motivation has taken to a height where no constrain had ever able to stop his noble work for the children of Kalikapur village.

According to Rahamatuallah he had to campaign throughout the village and its neighboring areas people gradually became aware of primary education and his school. And after 5 years of laying the foundation number of candidates gradually increased to 200.Now the people from far and near send their children to Children Happy Home Kalikapur to get quality education. But still he is not satisfied with his noble work .But he is ever grateful to KMWSC’S Teachers Training Programme. He often sends his teacher to get trained from KMWSC.  On the month of August after receiving an invitation from the Rahatmatullah the principal of Kalikapur Children Happy Home, resource person the Coordinator and the Assistant Coordinator travelled to Kalikapur to provide training to the teachers who have newly joined the  Organisation.


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