Human trafficking is the fastest growing crime in the world, we need to focus and educate more on Prevention, Protection, Prosecution and Partnerships in order for us to put an end to trafficking and offer assistance, justice, and restoration to those who have been victimized.The Anti Human Trafficking Conference scheduled ...
Continue ReadingA day of foundation day celebration was organized in solar Enlighten and community Empowerment project on 23rd of June 2017 at Janargheri-1. Around 70 parents and 40 students participated in the celebration. The celebration was started with prayer song and prayer dance by the children followed by welcome speech and ...
Continue ReadingIt was a great day of joy and celebration for the children, parents and panchayat members of Lodha community centre to commemorate foundation day on 16th of June 2017. The program started with Rabindra sangeet sung by the teachers and children followed by welcome speech and introduction by Mr. Tufan, ...
Continue ReadingIt was celebration time at Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre on 19th June. KMWSC Team celebrated Foundation Day with prayer,song, games,pomp and grandeur.It was a close knit affair and team KMWSC brought the roof down with its jubilant celebration. The day marked a significant milestone in the journey of KMWSC, as ...
Continue ReadingPope Francis had appealed for prayers and international participation in the “One Minute for Peace” initiative to held Thursday, 8 June. The entire team of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre had gathered to observe the one minute for peace. To mark the day the prayer of St. Francis Assisi for peace which ...
Continue ReadingNew initiatives give way to new KMWSC new initiatives are always welcome. Solar Enlighten and Community Empowerment Project conducted a need based survey at Manmathnagar, Gosaba for new initiative of implementing smokeless chulas (cooking oven), with the help of an expert from SAMUCHIT Enviro Tech, Pune. 30 families were part of ...
Continue ReadingPresence of mind saved a life.... One call is all it took to save Riya (name changed) all of 16 years form early marriage. The phone rang at Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre, while we all were at work. The voice from the other end gave us a brief information about a ...
Continue ReadingTwo days induction training for the members of WLCPC (Ward Level Child Protection Committee) was organised by District Child Protection Unit at Banwarilal Jaipuria Hall on 22nd and 23rd May'2017. DCPU (District Child Protection Unit) selected KMWSC to take session on Understanding Child Rights. As part of our capacity building and ...
Continue ReadingIt was a day with a difference at Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre today. A bevy of volunteers from CITI Bank armed with paint brushes, shovel, spade etc came forward to beautify the surroundings at KMWSC. They were here to observe CITI Global Community Day and they were joined by ...
Continue ReadingThe relentless and united effort of the Brickfield team of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre has turned the lives of so many buds into blooming flower. Brick Field School team members visited Nawada District in the neighbouring state of Bihar from 12th March 2016 to 19th March 2016. The aim of ...
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