About us

Who We Are

The Loreto Congregation of sisters have developed educational institutions all over India for over a century – since 1841. These institutions have been addressing the educational needs and upliftment of girls from all religious, economic and social backgrounds.

Under the dynamic and inspiring leadership of the Loreto Sisters, Loreto Day School Sealdah made itself a resource centre for the poorest and embarked on an array of outreach programmes for the poorer members of the broader community. As a consequence, several outreach programmes evolved catering to the needs of persons, not only in West Bengal, but all over India.

Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre

Changes in the administration structure of the Loreto Congregation in India inspired the birth of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre (KMWSC) which took over the administration of all projects of Loreto Sealdah; which now have the ownership of the Loreto Indian Province.

Kolkata Mary Ward Social Center is the Loreto Resource and Development centre for social change and was registered in June 2014, as a “Non Governmental / Not for Profit Organisation” under The West Bengal Societies Registration Act, 1961.

Our Logo, Vision and Mission statement

The KMWSC logo has stylised Mary Ward initials with a torch lit with the eternal flame of our values – love, freedom, sincerity and justice. This is our Vision: “To ensure that the values of love, freedom, sincerity and justice are experienced and lived out by all”, and our Mission: “To empower every person who is touched by our work through these values. To have a rights based and participatory approach and within this to cherish a special love for, and commitment to the poor, especially women and children. We will to show this love through our attitudes, structures and work”.

Important Facts

The expanse of KMWSC’s work and its reach in a nut shell.

Our Team

The strength of an organization lies in its team. KMWSC is a closely knit body of vibrant dynamic members who are committed in spreading love in the society.

Kolkata Mary Ward Social centre


President September 2019 onwards
Kolkata Mary Ward Social centre


Founder Director : 2014 to July 2024 Secretary : July 2024 onwards
Kolkata Mary Ward Social centre



Akhil Roy

Ankita Roy

Anup Biswas

Gayatri Roy

Hedaye Tullah

Mahasweta Bhadra

Mukesh Toppo

Nabanita Shome

Pouspi Talukder

Prity Singh

Ranjit Bagh

Rina Singh

Samata Bali

Samrat Bagh

Sanjay Baxla

Sarmistha Acherjee Guha


Vidya Bhushan Singh

Our Location
One Billion Rising 2020

1 Convent Lane, Tangra,
Kolkata - 700015 West Bengal,

033 2329 0229


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