On 6th of April 2020 amidst this lockdown period, KMWSC Director Sr. Monica Suchiang and her team covered all the five Rainbow homes in collaboration with Caritas India and distributed 500 packets of milk and 500 pieces of bananas respectively. KMWSC had also distributed different necessity items to all the five Rainbow homes in Loreto Sealdah, Loreto Bowbazar, Loreto Dharmatala, Loreto House and Loreto Elliot road. 50 kgs of Rice, 3 kgs of tea leaves, 5 kgs of washing powder, tubes of toothpastes, 5 kgs of soyabean chunks,8 big packets of biscuits,10 ltrs of mustard oil packets,4 phenyl bottles, etc were distributed yesterday, on 5th of April 2020.