An Awareness Camp on Child Right, Health & Hygiene was held at Radhakrishnapur High School. The entire session was conducted by resource person, Mr. Debasish Samanta, Specialist in child rights and by Mrs Durga Rani Das from Sub-Health Centre, Sagar Rural Hospital. There were altogether 135 students (Boys 65, Girls- 70) from class 9 and 10 who have attended the camp. The entire program was organised by Mr Nityananda Banerjee, Assistant Head Teacher of Radhakrishnapur High School. The following topics were discussed in the camp: • Health care, nutrition, cancer and adolescents issues by Ms. Durga Rani Das. • Rights and protection of the children by Mr Debasish Samanta. NAM and other guests discussed all issues on cancer awareness at the camp. In this camp, various issues on child trafficking, prevention of child marriage were also discussed. In addition, awareness on the emergency toll free number 1908, on child safety was given to children in the camp. Children had a joyful interactive session with the guests. “Our main aim is to protect children from trafficking, rehabilitate children and women in society, as well as build social resistance against child trafficking and torture”, said the assistant Head Master.