Barefoot Teachers Training Program at Lodha Community

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Barefoot Teachers Training Program at Lodha Community

December 4, 2018

The Second training for the month of November 2018 was arranged at Ganga Sagar in Lodha centre. The training continued for four days.43 teachers from nearby   Government schools and NGOS participated in the training programme.   Our Project Coordinators felicitated the training programme and most of   the participants were untrained teachers from  the grass root level. They joined the training programme   enthusiastically and were much eager to know about the child centric methodology based on activity based learning. The feedback of the session was amazing,  each and every candidate   gave a spontaneous   response to the training and is much eager to receive the level-2   training. According to Sushmita Ghosh one of the participants it would have been more useful if the training would have extended for few more days. Malati Hazra narrated that learning through song, dance and games is a new and innovative method to them which will help the children to learn fast and in a very adaptable manner. Our Staffs also visited the project area of Lodha and had a cordial interaction with the Lodha families , assured the  parents of the girls  for a better  future who will be admitted to the Patharpratima hostel in the days to come .

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