The end of wisdom is consultation and deliberation.

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The end of wisdom is consultation and deliberation.

December 23, 2016

                                      The end of wisdom is consultation and deliberation.

Combating and preventing human trafficking requires holistic approach by all related stakeholders. It needs integrated actions on prosecution, prevention and protection.

Keeping this objective in mind KMWSC have conducted a Sub-divisional consultation on anti-human trafficking initiatives in Canning sub-division on 14th December 2016 at BDO Conference Hall in Canning 1 Block under Anti Human Trafficking Project .The contributor of the consultationwere representatives from Govt. departments, Police stations, civil society organization, Childline (1098), Gram Panchayats, Panchayat Samity, & child representatives. Approximately 45 participants participated in the consultation to create a common platform for protection of women and children from nexus of Human trafficking. Mr. Kalyan Mitra, from Jayaprakash Institute of Social change  (Resource person) have facilitated he session on anti-human trafficking mechanism of the state.

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