The Barefoot Teachers Training Project has stepped forward and started its 3 day Residential level-II Teachers Training programme from 24th of October 2018 - 26th October 2018. Altogether 20 teachers participated in the training programme out of whom 12 have travelled a long distance from Jharkhand and 8 teachers have joined from Kolkata. Among the participants 18 female and 2 males are enrolled in this program. In level-II Programme the emphasis is given mostly on book based knowledge through Child centric and activity based methodologies which are being used to enhance the capacity of teachers which would be essential for the higher classes. Therefore chapters from government sponsored books were discussed with related activities in this programme. Likewise in the level I programme the training on Language development, number development was completed. The Level II Programme also includes environmental studies, history, geography and science as well as methods of preparing lesson plans was discussed in the training programme. In language development, the stories and poems are discussed with related activities like finding new words, word search game which will enhance the interest of the teacher and enable the child to grasp effectively; different parts of speech were also discussed from the mentioned topic. In number development along with Multiplication and division the easy methods of dealing with the fractions were also discussed with the help of teaching learning materials. Problem solving techniques with shortest and easiest ways was one of the major parts of the training. Environmental Studies were discussed with the method which has been applied for the language development. Map of Bihar, Jharkhand and West Bengal with its different districts were discussed to create knowledge of their own state and their neighbouring areas. In environmental studies special emphasis was given through means of question and answer of different interesting ways and methodologies. Living and non living things were discussed with the teachers. Last but not the least training was given on lesson plan and class management because these are very important qualities a teacher should attain.