Under Vocational skill development initiative of Kolkata Mary Ward Social Centre, Candidates from Tailoring and Beautician unit of Canning, South 24 Parganas District received their completion certificate on 22.05.2018.
It is indeed a great moment for entire team of KMWSC to see the achievements of the beneficiaries from the most interior villages are coming forward to learn new skills for better and dignified livelihood. This is the third badge of Tailoring course completing the course successfully. There are 53 candidates who have undergone training successfully and were given certificates. For 1st badge of beautician course, 23 trainees have completed successfully and were given completion certificates. Many have expressed to start their own ventures of opening a tailoring shop/ tailoring tuition and even candidates from beautician unit showed their interest of staring freelancing business andĀ also openingĀ beauty parlors.