No more to disease

No more to disease

May 11, 2018

The new initiative of KMWSC on Improved Cooking Stoves (ICS) is bringing hope to the households of Sundarban, West Bengal. with the technical support from SAMUCHIT, Pune KMWSC has trained the local people in Manmathnagar, Gosaba, Sundarban. The families are scattered in the villages. Each village is an island. They have been using traditional stoves for hears and generations. They have suffered from eye diseases and common illnesses which deteriorated to death. The trainees are motivating and making awareness on the use and benefit of ICS. These new stoves are Eco-friendly, 80% free from smoke, fuel saving, time saving, cooking is faster. Gradually the mind set of village people are changing but it will take time. With the use of ICS the eye diseases and cataract will be reduced. Breathing problems will be less. There are FGDs and group discussions with various groups and individuals regarding the use of ICS. Many families are taking orders to install the ICS in the families. These ICS are multi fuel user so the demand has been increasing in the fringes of Sundarban.

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