Capacity Building Training – Brickfield Project
16 Aug 2021 -
16 Aug 2021
- 10 am - 4 pm
Capacity building training was conducted on 16th of August, 2021 at KMWSC for the field staffs of Brickfield Project - Kalyani, Pujali, Akra, Basirhat. The field staffs interacted regarding their work culture and shared the updates. Training and discussion was conducted on the following topics -
1. Quality Age Appropriate Education
2. Life Skill Workshop - Health & Hygiene, Self Awareness, Tailoring, Counseling
3. Awareness - Good Touch & Bad Touch, Child Abuse, Child Helpline 1098, Child right, child Labour
4. Advance Activities with adolescents
5. Meeting and Advocacy
Discussion on some curriculum plan change in coming session was also done.