Sr. Macarena Fernández de Bobadilla Lassaletta

Sr. Macarena Fernández de Bobadilla Lassaletta

Sr. Macarena Fernández de Bobadilla Lassaletta

IBVM Leadership in Rome.

Sr. Macarena Fernández de Bobadilla Lassaletta, of Spain, is currently with the  IBVM Leadership in Rome.

Her past ministries include:

  • Education: Teacher, School Counsellor and Pastoral Outreach
  • Literacy promotion and outreach to prostituted women.
  • Social work in Night Centre for Homeless people.
  • Working as a volunteer in literacy with prostituted women.
  • Social work in a AIDS Shelter.
  • IBVM Formation Ministry 1st& 2nd
  • Retreat Ministry: Spiritual Director for lay and religious. Spiritual Accompaniment.
  • Social work in Madrid with Roma People and Spanish travellers.
  • International Mission to Ecuador: outreach to battered women.
  • International Mission to Morocco: social work in Assilah– for the promotion of women.

Inter-cultural experience and study English as a second language in India for five months.