National Coordinator, ATSEC India, the Chairperson, ATSEC South Asia, and the Executive Director, SLARTC (Socio Legal Aid Research & Training Centre), Kolkata.
SLARTC was created in 1982, as a non-profit organization, with the basic objective of providing legal aid and assistance to socio-economically disadvantaged people in distress. Since its inception, SLARTC has been one of India’s strongest and most vocal advocates for human rights. Based in Kolkata, India, SLARTC is active in the Eastern and North Eastern parts of India in addition to Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. Particular attention is given to the areas of child labour, prostitution and trafficking, which captures staggering numbers of children in our country. India reportedly has the world’s largest concentration of child prostitutes, accounting for one in every four of the global number. SLARTC has responded by being an instrumental catalyst for legal change, awareness and representation of victims. SLARTC takes up cases in the courts of law on different human rights violations and makes representations to appropriate authorities for redress of grievances. SLARTC is supported by a volunteer strength of nearly 200 lawyers from various legal areas, who willingly offer their services on a pro bono basis. Legal services are provided free of cost for those who need it.
Mr. Mondal has been conferred the Lifetime Achievement Award for Action Against Trafficking and Sexual Exploitation of Children, during the 6th Anti TIP Conclave held at Patna earlier this year